Rue des Utopies was a Loreat at the Paris Biennale de Mobilier Urban, installed at the promenade of La Defence.
The design of the dsk series is based on the simple principle of two cylinders, each from a different material (wood and solid bronze), piercing through each other and leaving behind an elegant desk caddy or/and phone stand.
dsk01 is a desk caddy made of walnut or oak plywood and bronze.
dsk02 is a phone stand with a wood caddy that has a built-in cable management hole for charging.
dsk03 is a phone stand minus the wood caddy.
The dsk series was conceived and designed with Athanasios Babalis for shibui and was debuted at M&O Paris, in January 2015.
The dsk series stay true to the values of the shibui brand for simplicity, efficiency and unobtrusive beauty.